• By vski5 • 44 分钟阅读目录
而Base链的流动性则主要集中在Aerodrome Finance,该协议占据了Base链超过一半的质押份额。
值得一提的是,THENA比Optimism和Base链上的龙头Ve33协议DeFi出现的更早,Velodrome V1最早上线在22年4月,而2022年11月THENA就上线了,但是活跃地址数量既不如上线比他早的,也不如上线比他晚的,唯一的利好就是上了binance,上线当日CZ暗示THENA make BSC great again。
最近在看《The Day of the Jackal》,小说改编的电视剧,很有意思,在1971年也曾被改编成电影上映。
1. sui链的仪表盘
- SuiVision,一个看sui DeFi资产的工具。
- 有些基础数据:交易量、TPS、账户数、代币供应量之类的。
- 还能看看每天多少人用、项目排名这些。
- 主要就是查查自己跟哪些项目交互过,别错过空投。
2. 聚合的DEFI仪表盘
- SonarWatch,一个看DeFi资产的工具。
- 把一个地址在各个链上的各个DeFi上的资产都整合到一起。
- 跟上面一样,主要也是为了不错过空投。
3. a16z创始人Chris Dixon 的书《read write own》
在书名后面加上 .pdf 搜索
TL;DR:Chris Dixon 《read write own》
- 互联网的三个时代
读时代 (1990-2005):
- 早期互联网以协议网络为主,如电子邮件和万维网,它们是开放、去中心化的,任何人都可以访问和读取信息。
- 原文引用:
“In the first act, called the “read era,” circa 1990 to 2005, early internet protocol networks democratized information. Anyone could type a few words into a web browser and read about almost any topic through websites.”
读-写时代 (2006-2020):
- 以公司网络为主导,如Facebook、Twitter等,这些平台允许用户发布内容,但平台本身由公司控制。
- 原文引用:
“In the second act, the “read-write era,” roughly 2006 to 2020, corporate networks democratized publishing. Anyone could write and publish to mass audiences through posts on social networks and other services.”
读-写-拥有时代 (Web3):
- 以区块链网络为基础,旨在赋予用户所有权和控制权,打破大型科技公司的垄断。
- 原文引用:
“This architecture represents a natural synthesis of the two prior types, and it is democratizing ownership. In the dawning “read-write-own era,” anyone can become a network stakeholder, gaining power and economic upside previously enjoyed by only a small number of corporate affiliates, like stockholders and employees. This new era promises to counteract Big Tech consolidation and return the internet to its dynamic roots.”
- 大型科技公司的垄断和负面影响
- 原文引用:
“Today the top 1 percent of social networks account for 95 percent of social web traffic and 86 percent of social mobile app use. The top 1 percent of search engines account for 97 percent of search traffic, and the top 1 percent of e-commerce sites account for 57 percent of e-commerce traffic. Outside of China, Apple and Google account for more than 95 percent of the mobile app store market.”
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“Nearly all major social networks have “take rates”—the percentage of revenue network owners take from network users—of 100 percent, or near to it. (YouTube is the one outlier with a take rate of 45 percent, for reasons we’ll get into later.) This means the vast majority of that $150 billion goes to those companies instead of the users, creators, and entrepreneurs who contribute, build on top, and create value for all.”
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“Meta, Google, and other ad-based companies run elaborate tracking systems that monitor every click, search, and social interaction. This has made the internet adversarial: an estimated 40 percent of internet users use ad blockers that protect against tracking.”
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“The biggest platforms are anticompetitive. Amazon learns which products in its marketplaces are top sellers and then undercuts their makers with its own cheap basic versions. While physical retailers like Target and Walmart do this all the time with their own version of generic brands alongside name brands, the difference here is that Amazon is not just the store but the infrastructure.”
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- 区块链技术的作用
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“Blockchains are a new kind of computer, one you can’t put in your pocket or on your desk, as you might with a smartphone or laptop. Nevertheless, blockchains fit the classic definition of computers. They store information and run rules encoded in software that can manipulate that information.”
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“The ability for blockchains to make strong commitments about how they will behave in the future allows new networks to be created. Blockchain networks solve problems that plague earlier network architectures. They can connect people in social networks while empowering users over corporate interests. They can underpin marketplaces and payment networks that facilitate commerce”
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“Blockchain networks combine the societal benefits of protocol networks with the competitive advantages of corporate networks. Software developers get open access, creators get direct relationships with their audiences, fees are guaranteed to stay low, and users get valuable economic and governance rights. At the same time, blockchain networks have the technical and financial capabilities to compete with corporate networks.”
- 原文引用:
- “计算机”与“赌场”文化
- 专注于长期愿景和创新,认为区块链的财务方面只是实现更大目标的手段。
- 原文引用:
“The other group, which I call the computer, is the far more serious of the two, and it is motivated by a long-term vision. This group’s practitioners understand that the financial aspects of blockchains are only a means to an end, a way to align incentives toward a larger goal. They realize the real potential in using blockchains is to build better networks, and therefore a better internet. These people are quieter and don’t get as much attention, but they are the ones who will have lasting effects.”
- 关注短期投机和快速致富,声音更大,但对技术发展影响有限。
- 原文引用:
“One group, which I call the casino, is often the much louder of the two, and it is primarily interested in trading and speculation. At its worst, this culture of gambling has led to catastrophes like the bankruptcy of the crypto exchange FTX. This group gets most of the media attention, which influences the public image for the entire category.”