What I'm Reading This Week (2024/9.8-9.14)

• By vski5 4 minutes read

Table of Contents


1. Chinese Stock Market Stops Publishing Daily Foreign Capital Flow Data

A look back at the news from August 18, 2024.

2. IT Industry Salaries in the First Half of 2024 from Russian Blog Хабр

IT Salary Calculator

3. Turing and the Turing Machine

4. Characters in Dostoevsky’s Works Often Have Symbolic Names

From the academic review of Crime and Punishment:

The protagonist Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov (Родион Романович Раскольников): Raskol means ‘split,’ accurately capturing the character’s dual nature and worldview—kindness and cruelty, meekness and volatility coexist. He is extreme in everything, wavering between faith and doubt, bearing a lofty ideal of salvation while believing that the end justifies the means.

5. Spending More on Prices Ending in .99

Additional Information:

Stevens’ Power Law:

  1. Brightness: To make light appear twice as bright, the bulb’s power may need to increase by four times.

  2. Sound: To make sound appear twice as loud, the actual sound intensity must increase by 10 to 20 times.

  3. Weight: To feel a weight as twice as heavy, the actual weight may need to be doubled or more.

  4. Sweetness: To double the perceived sweetness of sugar, 1.7 times more sugar is needed.

6. AI That Replicates Voices

7. A Tool for Localizing Videos into Chinese

8. What Is Fair: Shoes Banned from the Olympics

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